[Although this was part of a longer message to the board members, Emmanuel’s heart is clearly seen in this short letter. We are truly grateful to work with such love, vision, and perspective. Among our many prayers, we hope to hear of your prayers being added to our work. Please let us know we can depend on your regular petitions to God. We are very grateful for your continued prayers.] Write to us at pray4us@DCFUganda.org
We thank you dear brothers and sisters for your continued prayers. We cannot thank you enough! May the God we all serve reward you abundantly.
This will be my first time using this phone to make a video. Hope we shall have the assistance of a better person in this field to help us produce it successfully. I hope we shall send three short videos covering three different projects here. The first one will cover our day to day activities in the woodshop. Then the children’s little rabbit project and then the preparations under way for a very well organized tailoring workshop. Like I have mentioned, I have never made a video but as you know, brother Pete, I love learning and you will forgive any inconveniences that may come by as we shoot one. Thank you again for this request.
Indeed, dear brothers in Christ, in all our communication we don’t intend to undermine or discredit the work(s) of already well established charities! We thank them for the work they do. Unfortunately, hundreds of homes in our communities still live in unimaginable poverty! Like I mentioned in my previous email; We stay in an area/ village that has never heard completely of any charity organizations here in Ibanda. Many more villages in the North of where we live, South, West and East fall in this category. I mention ONLY those that I know and I have visited.
As a church, we still have a lot of work that God is sending us to accomplish. Our approach at DCF involves training for self sustenance.
Finally, I thank you again for the continued prayers and support.
Your brother in Christ,